Applied Linguistics-3D: Language, IT, ELT

May 23-24, 2024

Book of Papers International Scientific and Practical Conference «Applied Linguistics-3D: Language, IT, ELT»

May 12-13, 2022

Book of Papers International Scientific and Practical Conference «Applied Linguistics-3D: Language, IT, ELT»

May 25-26, 2023

Book of Papers International Scientific and Practical Conference «Applied Linguistics-3D: Language, IT, ELT»




Dear Colleagues!

Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University is pleased to invite you to the International Conference “Applied Linguistics-3D: Language, IT, ELT“, which will be held online on May 12-13, 2022.

The conference will bring together scholars and practicing specialists to share and discuss the latest trends, research results and ideas within Applied Linguistics and related disciplines. This multidisciplinary conference intends to explore the issues from all of the following areas: linguistics, literature, translation, information and computer technology, methods of teaching English.

The goal of the conference is to provide a platform where the researchers can share their expertise and interests across the fields of science related to Applied Linguistics, to discuss the prospects for the development of language didactics, topical issues of applying the innovative technologies in EFL teaching at higher educational institutions, to outline the prospects for further research, development of applied strategies for learning and teaching languages in a multicultural world.

The contributions of PhD students and young researchers are invited too.

Issues addressed at the Conference shall include, but are not limited to:

I. Modern Applied Linguistics: landmarks and research areas.

  1. Language systems: problems of development and functioning in a polyethnic and multicultural space.
  2. Linguo-cultural aspects of language units.
  3. Worldviews from the perspective of cultural linguistics, cognitive linguistics, ethnolinguistics, psycholinguistics.
  4. Discourse linguistics: theory and methodology of intercultural communication.
  5. Structural and semantic aspects of language discourse in a multicultural space

II. ICT implications for Applied Linguistics.

  1. The ICT impact on public sphere.
  2. Learning communities.
  3. Technologies for second language literacies development: open learning platforms, distance learning tools.

III. Translation Studies.

  1. Translation as a means of intercultural communication.
  2. Culturally determined factors in the practice of translation.
  3. Current translation research: linguo-cultural, socio-cultural and intercultural perspectives.

IV. Literary Studies.

  1. Literary text in the aspect of hermeneutics, philosophy, psychology.
  2. Contemporary literature: context, intertext, dialogue of cultures.
  3. Literature in the intermedial dimension.
  4. Fiction and cultural memory.

The conference will include plenary sessions and section presentations (online events).

Working languages are English and Ukrainian.

The conference venue: 103 Chudnivska str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University,

Information for participants

The deadline for extended abstracts submission is April 3, 2022. The application should be sent together with the extended abstract (1-3 pages) in English or Ukrainian. The applications and abstracts are to be submitted via e-mail as two attached files to the following address Please indicate the applicant’s name in all files (e.g. Smith_abstract.doc).

The Book of Abstracts will be published according to the conference proceedings. The participants will also be invited to publish their articles in the Journal (category B), accredited by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Philological Sciences, Pedagogical Sciences). The Editorial Board reserves the right to decline papers that contain plagiarized content or do not conform to the norms and subject matter of the conference.

The information about the conference (including the banking details for the conference fee to be paid) will be updated in the second circular in March 2022.

All participants who actively contribute to synchronous and asynchronous review of the articles will receive Certificates (3 ECTS credits). Further details will be provided.

Guidelines for authors

  1. The text should be typed in WORD format A4, font size 14 Times New Roman, line spacing − 1, indenting − 1.25. Total extended abstract size is 1-3 pages.
  2. The page margins are 2 cm from all sides
  3. Placing:
    Line 1 : author / authors, degree, academic title and position (bold italics) (alignment − right);
    Line 2: full name of the institution (italics) (alignment − right).
    After one blank line − the title of the paper (center alignment, font − bold, capital letters).
  1. After a single line of indentation − the main text.
  2. References in the text should follow the following style: [1, p.75].
  3. It is necessary to differentiate the hyphen (-) and the dash (−)
  4. List of references is given at the end of the paper in alphabetical order.

Students’ and young researchers’ abstracts should be co-authored with the scientific advisor.

Organizing Committee

Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Public Management and Law, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, 103 Chudnivska str., office 407a, 10005, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, Tel. +38 (0412) 228914, +38 067 299 1313 (Irena Snikhovska).

Please send any queries related to the conference to:

Leading foreign and Ukrainian speakers have been invited to present at the conference

The major issues for discussion are as follows:

  1. Modern applied linguistics: landmarks and research areas.
  2. Translation as a means of intercultural communication.
  3. Culturally determined factors in the practice of translation.
  4. Linguo-cultural and socio-cultural issues of translation.
  5. Contemporary literature: context, intertext, dialogue of cultures.
  6. Language systems: problems of development and functioning in a polyethnic and multicultural space.
  7. Structural and semantic aspects of discourse.
  8. Prospects for the development of linguistics and language didactics.
  9. New approaches, methods and ICT in education.

International Scientific and Practical Conference
May 12-13, 2022
Zhytomyr, Ukraine

Application form

The participant’s full name __________________________________________________________

Degree, academic rank ______________________________________________________________

Affiliation (the institution full name and the department) ___________________________

Topic of the report ___________________________________________________________________

E – mail _______________________________________________________________________________

the Organizing Committee of the Conference

The aims of the conference

– presentation and discussion of a wide range of scientific and practical achievements in applied linguistics, including linguistic, sociocultural and intercultural problems of translation, theoretical and methodological aspects of text, context, intertext;

– discussion of prospects for language development, current issues of innovative technologies foreign language training of students of higher education institutions;

– exchange of experience, identification of prospects for further research;

– development of applied strategies for learning and teaching languages in socio-cultural and intercultural space, as well as the gradual formation of a scientific school of research in theoretical and applied linguistics.

The Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics and the Department of Foreign Languages at Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University conduct research on priority areas of research in foreign languages, including modern research in the Humanities, Economics, Information Science and Computer Science. The faculty work on the departmental topic “Modern philological studies: theoretical and applied aspects“. The research findings are published in collective monographs, journals, conference proceedings, including international indexed scientific resources with relevant citations.

Within the framework of the conference Applied Linguistics will be considered as an interdisciplinary field which identifies, investigates, and offers solutions to language-related real-life problems.

Some of the academic fields addressed are those related to Applied Linguistics, in particular education, language, translation, ICT, psychology, anthropology, and sociology.

How to participate?


1) be sure, that your scientific paper meets requirements and is similar to the example provided

2) send a scientific paper for review via email on the website and look forward for organizing committee review (from 3 to 7 days)

3) after receiving a positive review you will receive an email with the invitation letter with further details

Keynote Speakers

E. L. McCallum, Ph.D.
Professor, English and Film Studies, Core Faculty in the Center for Gender in a Global Context, Michigan State University (USA)

Anna Bendrat
Ph.D in Humanities, Associate Professor at the Department of English and American Studies of Maria Curie-Sklodowska in Lublin (Poland). Member of Polish Association for American Studies PAAS, European Association for American Studies EAAS, Polskie Towarzystwo Retoryczne, Polskie Towarzystwo Komunikacji Społecznej, Redakcja Res Rhetorica, Chief Editor New Horizons in English Studies.

Kris Rutten
Professor in Culture and Education at the Department of Educational Studies, Ghent University (Belgium), President of the Flemish Reading Foundation,  President of the Rhetoric Society of Europe, Member of the Board of the international Association for Cultural Studies.

Ramaz Kurdadze
Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Faculty of Humanities, Ivane Javakhishvili State University (Georgia). Head of the Scientific and Research Institute of the Georgean Language.

Nishi Pandey
Professor, Department of English and Modern European Languages, University of Lucknow (India). Co-ordinator at the Centre for Cultural Texts, Records and Translation of Indian Literatures.